Termite Cause Lots of Damage
Leave termite treatment to the professionals.
Termites can instill fear in homeowners as they pose a grave threat to the integrity of a house. Unchecked, termite colonies thrive within the walls, feasting on the cellulose present in wood. Over time, thousands of termites can multiply, leading to substantial structural damage that may necessitate extensive repairs.
Having a colony of hungry termites in your home can result in significant and expensive damage. According to the National Pest Management Association, termites collectively cause a staggering $5 billion in damages annually nationwide. For individual homeowners, these pests can lead to thousands of dollars worth of destruction.
Drywood Termites
Drywood termites are usually found in the attic, cabinets, door frames, fascia, or baseboards of a home. These termites leave behind pellets in their wake, which helps homeowners and inspectors diagnose the issue. Another way to locate these pests are by seeing their wings by windows in the swarm season. If any of these things are found, Pest Brothers should be called to inspect quote and treat.
Subterranean Termites
Meanwhile, Subterranean termites originate underground. They thrive from water leaks, cracks in the slab, and very humid crawl spaces. Unlike drywood termites, they do not have pellets. Instead, they are spotted when they are attacking your wood in your house via mudtubes. Similar to drywood termites, they also swarm during their swarm season.
No matter the issue, call pest brothers to give you a quote today.
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